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Integrate ScyllaDB with DatabricksCopy
ScyllaDB is Apache Cassandra compatible at the CQL binary protocol level, and any driver which uses CQL will work with ScyllaDB (more here). Any application which uses a CQL driver will work with ScyllaDB, for example, Databricks Spark cluster.
Resource listCopy
Although your requirements may be different, this example uses the following resources:
ScyllaDB cluster
Databricks account
Integration instructionsCopy
Before you begin
Verify that you have installed ScyllaDB and know the ScyllaDB server IP address. Make sure you have a connection on port 9042:
curl <scylla_IP>:9042
Create a new Databricks cluster with the following configuration:
Databricks runtime version:
Runtime: 9.1 LTS (Scala 2.12, Spark 3.1.2)
Spark config:
spark.sql.catalog.<your_catalog> com.datastax.spark.connector.datasource.CassandraCatalog
spark.sql.catalog.<your_catalog>.spark.cassandra.connection.host <your_host>
spark.cassandra.auth.username <your_username>
spark.cassandra.auth.password <your_password>
2. Once this set up, install connector library by Maven: (Path: Libraries –> Install new –> Maven –> Search Packages –> Maven Centrall)
Test case
Prepare test data [ScyllaDB]:
CREATE KEYSPACE databriks WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};
CREATE TABLE databriks.demo1 (pk text PRIMARY KEY, ck1 text, ck2 text);
INSERT INTO databriks.demo1 (pk, ck1, ck2) VALUES ('pk', 'ck1', 'ck2');
Create and play new notebook [Databricks]:
df = spark.read.cassandraFormat.table("<your_catalog>.databriks.demo1")