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Add a Decommissioned Node Back to a ScyllaDB ClusterCopy
This procedure describes how to add a node to a ScyllaDB cluster after it was decommissioned. In some cases, one would like to add a decommissioned node back to the cluster, for example, if the node was decommissioned by mistake. The following procedure describes the procedure of doing that, by clearing all data from it, and adding it as a new node in the cluster
Before adding the new node again to the cluster, we need to verify that the node was removed using the nodetool status command.
For Example:
The decommissioned node’s IP is
. Notice that this node is not in the cluster.
Datacenter: DC1
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 112.82 KB 256 32.7% 8d5ed9f4-7764-4dbd-bad8-43fddce94b7c B1
UN 91.11 KB 256 32.9% 125ed9f4-7777-1dbn-mac8-43fddce9123e B1
sudo systemctl stop scylla-server
docker exec -it some-scylla supervisorctl stop scylla
(without stopping some-scylla container)
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/scylla/data
sudo find /var/lib/scylla/commitlog -type f -delete
sudo find /var/lib/scylla/hints -type f -delete
sudo find /var/lib/scylla/view_hints -type f -delete
Since the node is added back to the cluster as a new node, you must delete the old node’s data folder. Otherwise, the old node’s state (like bootstrap status), will prevent the new node from starting its init procedure