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Install ScyllaDB Without root PrivilegesCopy
This document covers installing, uninstalling, and upgrading ScyllaDB using Unified Installer. Unified Installer is recommended when you do not have root privileges to the server. If you have root privileges, we recommend installing ScyllaDB with ScyllaDB Web Installer or by downloading the OS-specific packages (RPMs and DEBs) and installing them with the package manager (dnf and apt).
Ensure your platform is supported by the ScyllaDB version you want to install. See OS Support for information about supported Linux distributions and versions.
Note that if you’re on CentOS 7, only root offline installation is supported.
Download and InstallCopy
Download the latest tar.gz file for ScyllaDB version (x86 or ARM) from
.Example for version 6.1: https://downloads.scylladb.com/downloads/scylla/relocatable/scylladb-6.1/
Uncompress the downloaded package.
The following example shows the package for ScyllaDB 6.1.1 (x86):
tar xvfz scylla-unified-6.1.1-0.20240814.8d90b817660a.x86_64.tar.gz
Install OpenJDK 8 or 11.
The following example shows Java installation on a CentOS-like system:
sudo yum install -y java-11-openjdk-headless
For root offline installation on Debian-like systems, two additional packages,
, should be installed to be used in RAID setup.Install ScyllaDB as a user with non-root privileges:
./install.sh --nonroot --python3 ~/scylladb/python3/bin/python3
(Optional) Install scylla-jmx
scylla-jmx is an optional package and is not installed by default. If you need JMX server, see Install scylla-jmx Package.
Configure and Run ScyllaDBCopy
Run the ScyllaDB setup script:
Start ScyllaDB:
systemctl --user start scylla-server
Verify that ScyllaDB is running:
systemctl --user status scylla-server
Now you can start using ScyllaDB. Here are some tools you may find useful.
Run nodetool:
~/scylladb/share/cassandra/bin/nodetool status
Run cqlsh:
Run cassandra-stress:
~/scylladb/share/cassandra/bin/cassandra-stress write
You can avoid adding the extended prefix to the commands by exporting the binary directories to PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:~/scylladb/python3/bin:~/scylladb/share/cassandra/bin/:~/scylladb/bin:~/scylladb/sbin
Upgrade/ Downgrade/ UninstallCopy
The unified package is based on a binary package; it’s not a RPM / DEB packages, so it doesn’t upgrade or downgrade by yum / apt. To upgrade ScyllaDB, run the install.sh
Root install:
./install.sh --upgrade
Nonroot install
./install.sh --upgrade --nonroot
The installation script does not upgrade scylla-jmx and scylla-tools. You will have to upgrade them separately.
Root uninstall:
sudo ./uninstall.sh
Nonroot uninstall
./uninstall.sh --nonroot
To downgrade to your original ScyllaDB version, use the Uninstall procedure, then install the original ScyllaDB version.
Next StepsCopy
Manage your clusters with ScyllaDB Manager
Monitor your cluster and data with ScyllaDB Monitoring
Get familiar with ScyllaDB’s command line reference guide.
Learn about ScyllaDB at ScyllaDB University